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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Lorry Tank

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We offer a variety of Transportation Tanks which are used for carrying various liquids like Acids, Oil, Chemicals, Water, etc. on trailers/trucks. Our range consists of all kinds of standard as well as customized tanks to meet the requirements of the clients. We design, fabricate and install custom hazardous pressurized and non-pressurized tanks based on the customer’s needs since the contents have some degree of hazard associated with it.

It is recommended to take all the requisite precautions to make sure that the tank contents and the material surface of the tank do not react with each other. To provide complete protection to the tanks from corrosion or any other reaction we offer anti-corrosive linings of Rubber inside the tank surface or Epoxy painting.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Receiver Tanks, Anti Corrosive Lining (Rubber F. R. P. P. V. C. Lead And Epoxy), Boiler Blowdown Tanks, Button Polishing Machine, Caustic Recovery Machinery, Caustic Recovery Plant, Cement And Fly Ash Tanks, Chemical And Acid Tanks, Chemical Plants, Chlorine Tanks, Condensers, Hydropneumatic Tanks, Industrial Chimneys, Injection Solution Kettle, Jacketed Vessel, Lorry Tank, Mixing And Agitator Tanks, Pressure Vessels, Pressure Vessels And Reactors, Products, Reaction Vessels, Reactor Vessels, Reactors, Rubber Lined Pipes And Fittings, S. S Tanks For Milk And Water And Food And Acid, S. S. Vessels, Shipping And Container Tanks, Silos And Bulk Storage, Sterile Reactor, Strirage Vessels, Transportation Tanks, Underground Storage Tanks, Water Treatment Plants